Friday, April 24, 2015

Behance Portfolio

Made a behance portfolio, which contains all my Graphic Design Work from my class this semester.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Identity Design

Below is the one of several projects from the Graphic Design class I have been taking this semester. The project was to create an identity, for which I was assigned an imaginary Enhanced Water company. I was to make a logo, label design, packaging design, and design for a truck.  Below are some samples from the project. I came up with "Fit Water," the name is modeled off of the brand's competition such as "Vitamin Water" and "Life Water," but I has hoping to create a healthy tone for the brand. One alteration that I would make is to have the white of the label descending, gradually become either translucent or blend into the pink color at the bottom (while removing the pink band on the top).

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


These pieces were made during my Sophmore and Junior year of high school. I have some more pieces (including an Owl Teapot and a Dog-shaped box!) which I plan on photographing and adding later, probably mid-May. I may also get a close-up of the design on my vase.  I am also planning to take Ceramic Sculpture class in the upcoming Fall 2015 semester.

First Semester Work

Below is some of my work from Fall 2014, during my first semester at school.  The class was Introduction to Computer Art.  The following are 1.) A Collage made in Photoshop, 2.) A Woodblock drawing made in Illustrator and based off of one of my photographs, 3.) A Self-Portrait made in Photoshop. These works and others from the class can also be found at